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Applying your deodorant in the morning after you get out of the shower? All wrong!




For our entire adult lives, our mornings looked something like this: Hit snooze a few times,

get up, shower, put on deodorant, pick out clothes, get dressed, leave. That was, until we found out that the deodorant step was totally out of place.

Turns out, you should actually be applying deodorant before bed the night before.

Here’s why: Antiperspirant works by clogging sweat ducts, which stops moisture from escaping your body. By applying at night (when skin is drier and sweat glands are less active), the antiperspirant has time to do said clogging.

Even if you’re a morning showerer, you should still swipe at night, since the antiperspirant, once set, should last 24 hours—regardless of whether you wash off any residue in the shower.

While this minor change won’t save you much time in the morning, it might save you from the embarrassment of having massive sweat stains on your crisp, new work shirt.